Bull–Randall Family Genealogy Wiki

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Thomas Bull, Jr.

Son of Thomas Bull Sr. and Susanna Harwell, Thomas Bull, Jr. was born about 1726, in Brunswick, Virginia.

Having grown up in Brunswick, Virginia, Thomas Bull, Jr. moved with his parents to Halifax County, North Carolina (probably in or near Edenton, NC) some time between 1757-1761.

Thomas Bull, Jr. (between age 34-35) married Sarah Randal (between age 16-17). Almost nothing is known about Sarah Randal.

Sara(h) Randal(l) is an important figure in the Bull-Randall family genealogy. Whether she spelled her name with an “h” or “Randal” with one “L” or two is unimportant because at that time if a word sounded the same, then the spelling was considered “good enough” (as many people couldn't even write their name). According to family legend, Sarah Randal was from Franklin County, GA. However, that doesn't explain why she would have migrated north toward a port where people were arriving in the colonies. It is also generally believed that she was born about 1744, but this is completely speculative.

It would make more sense for Thomas Bull, Jr. to have met Sarah Randal's family while in either Brunswick, Virginia or Halifax County, North Carolina. While there were no families named “Randal” listed in the Halifax County census of 1790, this doesn't mean none were there during the 1757-1761 time-frame. However, there is a record of several “Randalls” and “Randles” being in Brunswick, Virginia prior to 1757. For example:

Brunswick County, VA Court Order Books
4:20 Thursday, March 28th, 1751
On the motion of James Randle his ordinary License is renewed for the ensuing Year giving Security whereupon he together with John Randle his Security entered into and acknowledged Bond with Condition according to Law & It is ordered that the clerk of this Court do prepare __ License for him accordingly.
May Court, 1754
5:180 James Randall is appointed Surveyor of the Highway in the room of William Ray

Source: http://myrootsplace.com/getperson.php?personID=I104195&tree=MRP

Knowing that one or more Randle/Randall families were in Brunswick, Virginia (ref.: Deeds for RANDLE, RANDOLPH, RANDALL of Brunswick County, VA (1732 – 1800.) prior to Thomas Bull, Sr. moving his family to Halifax County, North Carolina, a more likely theory is that Sarah Randal was born slightly earlier (about 1740-1741) and married Thomas Bull, Jr. prior to him moving to Halifax County, North Carolina.

Since Thomas Bull, Jr. would later become involved with the Surveying trade himself (in Halifax County, North Carolina), is it possible that a relationship between Sarah Randal and the above mentioned John Randle and/or James Randle/Randall (also surveyors) influenced his decision to enter the Surveying trade?

Further, if Sarah Randal's parents (and/or siblings) moved to Franklin County, Georgia (where several other Randall families had settled by 1800); that would offer some explanation as to why her son, John Bull Randall, would eventually move there. And offer an explanation as to why so many genealogists believe she was originally from Franklin County, Georgia.

Thomas Bull, Jr. and Sarah Randal are believed to have had the following children:

  1. Steven Bull (b. about 1762)
  2. Thomas Bull III (b. about 1763)
  3. Randal Bull (b. about 1764 – d. 1798 in Tennessee. Married: Mary Sullivant)
  4. James Bull (b. about 1764)
  5. Nancy Bull (b. about 1765)
  6. John Bull (b. about 1766)

In 1766, Thomas Bull, Jr. (as Thomas Bull, Sr. is believed to have died in 1763) sold more land that was owned in VA. It's possible that this was land bequeathed from Thomas Bull, Sr.

Deed Book 8, page 376 -

22 September 1766 – THOMAS BULL OF THE COUNTY OF HALIFAX, IN THE PROVINCE OF NORTH CAROLINA sells to Swan Prichard of the County of Brunswick in the Province [sic] of Virginia – for £10 – 46 acres of land in the County of Brunswick, adjoining lands of Thomas Jackson, etc. Recorded 23 September 1766.

Source Information: Hamlin, Charles Hughes. Virginia Ancestors and Adventurers. Baltimore, MD, USA: Genealogical Publishing Co., 2003.

The “1784-87 North Carolina State Census” shows a Thomas Bull was “Head of Household” living in Halifax, NC (District 12) on February 12, 1786 (Thomas Bull, Jr. would have been 66 years old). The census taker was… Thomas Harvey (probably Thomas Harvey, Jr. – whose sister, Hannah Harvey, would later marry Thomas Bull Jr's son, John Bull).

North Carolina, State Census, 1784-87
Census Lists by County – Halifax County

Thomas Bull – Head of Household
1 - White Males age 21-60
3 - White Males under the age of 21 & over the age of 60
5 - White females all ages
3 - Blacks age 12-50
3 - Blacks under 12 and above 50

Source: Register, Alvaretta K. State Census of North Carolina, 1784-1787. Baltimore, MD, USA: Genealogical Publishing Co., 2001.

Both the “North Carolina, State Census, 1784-1787” and “1790 United States Federal Census” (the first U.S. federal census ever performed) reveal limited information because Thomas Bull, Jr's children were grown by this time. The numbers listed in the census may easily have been grandchildren. The census reference to “Halifax, Edgecombe” is because Halifax County was created from a portion of Edgecombe County on January 1, 1759.

1790 United States Federal Census
North Carolina, Halifax, Edgecombe

Thomas Bull – Head of Household
1 - White Males age 21-60
3 - White Males under the age of 21 & over the age of 60
5 - White females all ages
3 - Blacks age 12-50
3 - Blacks under 12 and above 50

Source Citation: Year: 1790; Census Place: Edgecombe, Halifax, North Carolina; Series: M637; Roll: 7; Page: 457; Image: 267; Family History Library Film: 0568147.

Typed abstracts of Wills appear in “Abstracts of North Carolina Wills & Testator Index”, Book #975.6, pp. 135: Thomas, Jr.: Halifax County, recorded 1794, Will Book 3/219, mentions wife Sarah. (Orig. in State Archives).

Because Sarah Bull is listed as the primary person (e.g., “Head of Household”) in the “1800 United States Federal Census” we can assume that Thomas Bull, Jr. died some time between 1794 and 1800 (at age 68-74); although we can speculate that it was 1794 based upon his Will being recorded that year. In 1800 Sarah Bull was approx. 56 years old. It is not known exactly when Sarah Bull died (obviously after 1800).

Will #470 - pg.219 THOMAS BULL - 6 Dec 1788 - Feb. Ct 1794
lend wife SARAH BULL all my Estate during her life or widowhood and at her death or marriage it to be divided between all my living Children (names not given)
Extrs: wife: and RANDALL BULL, JOHN BULL

Source: “Genealogical Abstracts of Wills, 1758-1824, Halifax County,North Carolina”, Margaret M. Hofmann.

[1800 U.S. Census. Sarah Bull is the 18th name listed. Source citation: Year: 1800; Census Place: Hallifax, Halifax, North Carolina; Series: M32; Roll: 30; Page: 290; Image: 292; Family History Library Film: 337906]

1800 United States Federal Census
North Carolina, Halifax, Edgecombe

Sarah Bull
1 - Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 25
1 - Free White Persons - Males - 26 thru 44
2 - Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 15
1 - Free White Persons - Females - 45 and over
2 - Number of Household Members Under 16
2 - Number of Household Members Over 25
5 - Number of Household Members

Source Citation: Year: 1800; Census Place: Hallifax, Halifax, North Carolina; Roll: 30; Page: 290; Image: 292; Family History Library Film: 337906.


Name Line Manager Job Title Photo
Thomas Bull, Jr.
Thomas Bull, Sr. Thomas Bull, Jr. Father
Susanna Harwell Thomas Bull, Jr. Mother
Ambrose Harwell Susanna Harwell Grandfather
Elizabeth Browne Susanna Harwell Grandmother

Additional Information:
Descendents of Thomas Bull, Jr.


Research Sites
Agatha Muriel Randall
Albert Gallatin Randle
Anderson Smith Randal
Artry Otis Randall
Bushrod P. Randall
Carey Enoch Randall
Carey Woodson Randall
Charles Edward Randall
Charles Ray Randall
Charles W. Randal
Clarence Richard Randall
Comer Henry Randall, Sr.
Edgar Oran Randall
Elisha Burrell Randall
Eliza B. Randal
Elizabeth Harvey Randal
Elizabeth M. Randal
Elizabeth Jane Randall
Eloise M. Randall
Elzora Eugenia Randall
Eugene Augustus Randall
George Alman Randall
Gertrude Randall
Gussie Estell Randall
Hannah N. Randal
Helen Cecil Randall
Henry Beaman Randall
Henry Darwin Randall
Henry Oran Randall
Henry Veronica Randall
Horace Randal
Hubert Bernice Randall
Ira Robert Randall
Ira Wilbur Randal
Isaac Samuel Randle
Jackson Harvey (“Harry”) Randal
James Ronald Randal
James Thomas Randall
John B. Randall
John Bull Randal
John Henry Randle
John Leonard Randal
John Robert Randall
John W. Randall
Jones Hesburn Randall
Jones Marshall Randall, Jr.
Jones Marshall Randall, Sr.
King Oran Randall, Sr.
King Oran Randall, Jr.
Lake Randall
Lavaca Randall
Leonard Randle
Martha Elizabeth Randall
Martha Patsy Randal
Michael Byron Randall
Minnie Ola Randall
Napoleon Bonapart Randal
Napoleon C. Randall
Nettie Margaret Randall
Oney Cypress Randal
Oney Pickney Randall
Pinkney Harvey Randall
Priscilla Ann Randall
Ralph Aaron Randall
Richard Clarke Randall
Richard Roan Randall, Sr.
Richard Roan Randall, Jr.
Roland Pickney Randall
Robert Thomas Randall
Rowan Augustin Randall
Sallie D. Randall
Sara Elizabeth Randall
Sara Sophia Felton Randall
Sina Bethel Randal
Sophia Mitchell
Susan "Susie" Jane Randall
Susanna Jane Randall
Theodocia A. Randal
Thomas Bull, Jr.
Thomas Bull, Sr.
Thomas Doomous (Dumas) Randall
Thomas Edwin Randall
Thomas Jefferson Randal
Thomas Loyd Randall
Thomas Oney Randle
Thomas Watson Randall
Walter Baxter Randall
Walter Clarke Randall
William "Bill" Randall
William Ernest Randall
William Reeves Randall
William Robert Randall, Sr.
William Randal

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